Monday, June 27, 2011

diamond ring drawing

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  • we#39;ll draw the outlline of

  • skd
    01-11 12:57 PM
    I had gone through the layoff thing during 2001-2002 time. Maybe, I might be mistaken. But I feel that time it was even worse.

    2001 It seemed like once all dot-com related stuff clears out market will stablize, But this time this problem, Is not just Whole IT, but all industries , I heard except healthcare and education all sectors are shedding jobs. Not only that all countries have same issue , just not the countries who depend on IT related sectors for there economy.

    Worst part is No-End insight, So you don't how long you have to ride this out. No economist is ready to bet if the economic stimulas will really boost up to bring out of this reccession/ depression.

    I am under-estimating the problems I 2001-2002. And probably people who got affected directly by that know more about the pain, then who never went through that kind of problem.

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  • mundada
    11-06 04:30 PM
    I did not want to start a new thread for this. But I had earlier last month contacted many senators with the official I-485 pending inventory as proof and asking them whether it was humane, ethical and moral to ask someone wait more than 15 years for a green card! And what they are doing to remedy the situation.

    This is the reply I received today from Sen. Frank Lautenberg. May be this is very standard format, I am not sure but it does mention specific bill and recapture provision.

    In Response to Your Message‏
    From: Senator Frank R. Lautenberg (
    Sent: Fri 11/06/09 1:00 PM
    1 attachment
    0A953776.gif (2.8 KB)

    Dear Mr. Mundada:

    Thank you for contacting me about employment-based immigrant visas. I appreciate hearing from you on this issue.

    Under current immigration law, employment-based immigration is limited to 140,000 visas, or green cards, per year. The process for obtaining employment-based visas can take years to complete, causing many of these visas to go unused. There is also an annual per-country limit that caps at seven percent the number of employment-based immigrants that can come from any one country. In some instances, this per-country cap causes employers to consider country of origin, not talent, when hiring foreign workers.

    A bill has been introduced in the Senate that would address some of these delays and caps. The “Reuniting American Families Act” (S. 1085) would recapture unused employment-based visas from prior years. This bill would allow the Department of Homeland Security to issue any unused visas from Fiscal Years 1992-2007 and in the future roll over any unused visas from one year to the next. It would also increase the per-country cap for employment-based visas to ten percent of the annual total.

    This bill is currently pending before the Senate Judiciary Committee, of which I am not a member. Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind should this or other relevant legislation come before the full Senate. Thank you again for contacting me.


    FRL: mts

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  • snathan
    04-22 08:24 PM
    I am employeed in IT consultancy, and wants to change my employement as a permenent employee of the client.
    When i told this to my employeer he is telling me that he can file a lawsuite against my Client(New Employeer) on the bases of Small Business Administantion laws, stated below

    Although the contract does not specifically state that the client cannot hire the contractor (you) on a permanent job, it also does not state that the client can. Current Employeer comes under the category of the 'Small Business Administration' under the State and the Federal Governments. Both governments fully support the growth and looks after the interests of small businesses in the country. They have always done it and are even more supportive lately as a result of the struggle small businesses are undergoing in these bad economic times. I have been advised by the company attorney that I contracted you to the client purely on professional and ethical grounds for the benefit of Current Employeer business. If a giant company like Client just takes you away to their advantage, it may not be looked upon favorably by a small business court.

    Below is what is in the contract between my Employeer and Client.

    1. This agreement is for the sole purposes of providing the services of the Contractor�s employee XXX to (Client).
    2. Contractor will be an independent contractor of Company and will work on a Client assignment.
    3. Company will pay $XX.00 per hour to Contractor for all the hours of work and expenses approved by Client.
    4. All time and expenses should be entered into client�s system and should be approved by the concerned manager or project manager.
    5 Company will not pay contractor for any time and expenses not authorized and not approved by Client.
    6. Contractor shall be solely responsible for the quality of work performed.
    7. Payment terms shall be XX days net and will be made on a bi-weekly basis.
    8. The start date and the length of assignment will be determined by Client, and Company shall let the Contractor know in writing before the date on which the consultant starts working for the Client.
    9. Contractor reserves the right to offer consultant�s services to other clients until such time the Company and the Contractor executes this agreement as well as a project work order.
    10. This is the only agreement between the Contractor and the Company. Changes can be made in writing only and have to be signed by both parties to be effective.
    11. This agreement is subject to the laws of the State of Texas.
    12. Either party can terminate this contract by giving 2 week�s written notice, via email or physical mail. The notifying party must obtain proof of delivery of such notification to the other party.

    Can any one tell if there is any possibility of that

    It seems he is trying to scare few hundered dollars to an attorney and check.

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  • jasonalbany
    07-04 12:28 PM
    Access to Job Market in U.S. a Matter of Degrees
    Foreign workers with high-tech skills are in demand, but visa quotas snarl the hiring process.
    By Anna Gorman, Times Staff Writer
    July 3, 2006

    This spring, a U.S. high-tech company recruited British citizen Gareth Lloyd for a possible engineering job.

    But before the Irvine office made its hiring decision, the number of available visas for skilled workers ran out, in a record time of less than two months.

    Lloyd, who has degrees in applied physics and electrical and electronics engineering, found another job in Germany.

    "I was a little bit incredulous," Lloyd, 34, said in a phone interview. "It seems arbitrary to put some kind of quota on this."

    Much of the national debate on immigration has centered on undocumented workers who fill agriculture, construction and service jobs. But highly skilled foreign scientists, engineers and computer programmers recruited by U.S. companies to work here legally also have a lot at stake in the outcome. "The major focus for all the laws and all the bills has mainly been for illegal immigrants," said Swati Srivastava, an Indian software engineer who lives in Playa del Rey and is waiting for her green card. "We kind of get pushed to the sidelines."

    The Senate's sweeping immigration bill that passed in May calls for increasing the number of H-1B visas, which are available for professional foreign workers, from 65,000 to 115,000 annually. Foreigners with certain advanced degrees would be exempt from the cap.

    Despite President Bush's urging to increase such quotas, however, the House bill that passed late last year does not include any provisions for skilled-worker visas. And a conference committee, which would negotiate a compromise, has yet to be selected. U.S. companies complain that they are losing prospective employees to other countries because of a shortage of highly skilled and educated foreign workers. As a result, companies are either outsourcing science and engineering jobs or making do with fewer employees.

    "There aren't enough U.S. citizens pursuing those types of degrees," said Jennifer Greeson, spokeswoman for Intel Corp. in Santa Clara, Calif., where about 5% of the company's U.S.-based employees are on H-1B visas. "U.S. companies being able to have access to talent, no matter where it originates, is key to our continued competitiveness."

    But critics of the H-1B program argue that there are enough Americans qualified for the jobs. Companies just prefer to hire younger, less expensive workers from other countries, such as India and China, instead of more experienced American workers at higher salaries.

    "The bottom line is cheap labor," said UC Davis computer-science professor Norman Matloff, who has studied the H-1B program.

    The six-year visas are available to foreigners with at least a bachelor's degree. Firms must pay foreign workers the prevailing wage.

    The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services agency begins accepting H-1B visa applications on April 1 each year. The agency received enough visas to hit the congressionally mandated cap of 65,000 at the end of May this year, compared with August in 2005 and October in 2004. Those who receive the visas can begin work Oct. 1, the start of the fiscal year.

    There are also 20,000 additional visas available for foreign workers who earned a master's or higher-level degree in the U.S. The Citizenship and Immigration Services is still accepting applications for those visas.

    Because the H-1B cap is reached more quickly each year, many companies prepare their paperwork ahead of time so they can be at the front of the line. But they say it's often difficult to make hiring decisions six months before the start date.

    Orange County immigration attorney Mitchell Wexler has a courier ready on the first day to take his clients' completed applications to Citizenship and Immigration Services.

    "The whole white-collar business community is kind of crossing our fingers" that the number of visas is raised, Wexler said. Highly skilled foreign workers, he said, are "the best and brightest" and should be invited into the economy.

    "If we can't get them," Wexler added, "they will go to a country that will accept them, and they will get jobs in Canada, Australia and England and will compete against us."

    One of Wexler's clients, Massachusetts-based Skyworks Solutions, develops and manufactures integrated circuits for cellphones. Connie Williams, senior human resources specialist at the company's Irvine office, said her firm was effectively cut off from a foreign labor pool that included Lloyd of Britain when the government stopped accepting H-1B applications.

    Williams said she worries that if Congress fails to pass reform legislation, the door will slam shut even earlier next year. The company has just over 2,000 U.S.-based employees, roughly 100 of whom have H-1B visas.

    "We need these highly skilled, highly educated, highly qualified engineers," said Williams. "These people are a needle in a haystack."

    Once foreigners have H-1B visas, they face another hurdle � becoming permanent legal residents. Applicants are often forced to wait years because there are only 140,000 employment-based green cards available annually. A backlog at Citizenship and Immigration Services adds to the delays.

    Swati and Aradhana Srivastava, 34, both Indian software engineers working in the U.S. on H-1B visas, began the green card process with their employer in November 2001. Since then, the sisters said they have not been able to change jobs, positions or salaries.
    They have taken film classes and are eager to pursue second careers in filmmaking but cannot do so until after they get their green cards. They also are reluctant to buy property or start a business. If they don't get their green cards by the time they finish film school, the sisters may return home.

    "It's like living in a holding pattern continuously," said Swati Srivastava, 28, a member of Immigration Voice, a new grass-roots organization of skilled foreign workers pushing for immigration reform. The Internet-based group formed late last year and has about 5,000 members scattered around the country.

    "We work in [the] U.S. legally in high-skilled jobs, but we still get penalized for playing by the rules," Immigration Voice co-founder Aman Kapoor said in an e-mail. "Since no one was working on our issues, we decided to organize."

    Sandy Boyd, vice president of the National Assn. of Manufacturers, said there is an urgency to fixing the problems facing highly skilled foreign workers, whether they're seeking temporary or permanent legal status. The Senate's proposed immigration bill would increase the number of available employment-based green cards.

    If compromise legislation cannot be reached on the broader issues, Boyd said, Congress should pass a separate, more narrow reform bill.

    "This is not an issue that can be put off until comprehensive immigration reform is passed," Boyd said, "because once we lose these jobs, it's very difficult for them to come back."

    But industry lobbyists arguing against increases in H-1B visas say the program hurts U.S. citizens by lowering wages and increasing job competition. They cite a recent report by the Government Accountability Office that says the program lacks sufficient oversight from the Department of Labor.

    "We feel for the most part there are not shortages of U.S. engineers and computer scientists that have the skills these companies are looking for," said Chris McManes, spokesman for the U.S. sector of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. "If the cap is increased, that will further hamper the ability of a U.S. engineer to find a job."

    David Huber, a network engineer in Chicago and U.S. citizen by birth, said he twice lost out on jobs to foreign workers. He was passed over for one job and replaced at another, he said. Huber, who testified before the House in March, said he could not find work for nearly three years, despite his education and experience. "Too many of us cannot find jobs because companies are turning to H-1B workers as a first choice," Huber said in written testimony to the House.

    Swadha Sharma, who lives in Arcadia, said she is not trying to replace U.S. workers. Sharma earned an electronics engineering degree in India but has long dreamed of becoming a math teacher. So while her husband worked here on an H-1B visa, she earned her teaching credential at Cal Poly Pomona.

    Sharma, 30, started applying for teaching jobs early this year, but she said only one of three interested districts was willing to sponsor her for an H-1B visa. And that offer, from a Los Angeles charter school, came after the visa cap had been reached. Sharma now plans to pursue a master's degree but said the U.S. is "missing out on a catch."

    "I am really qualified," she said. "Hopefully, I will be able to teach soon."

    As for Lloyd, his plans to come to the United States are now on indefinite hold. He started his job in Germany but still laments the U.S. immigration system for limiting workers like himself from coming here.

    "The H-1B scheme seems a little bit ridiculous," he said. "I would certainly be an asset to the American economy."


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  • b2visahelp
    06-15 06:22 PM

    My parents' and 2 brothers' B2 visas got rejected yesterday. The VO didn't state the refusal reason. He didn't stamp anything on their passports. I got my GC through asylum, and will get married in Nov. 2009. I supplied a formal letter from my pastor about the wedding that it's real. And my parents stated that they are not bringing my youngest brother to the US because he has school. During the interview, the VO asked them about me. He knew that I got my GC through asylum. He asked if I work or go to school. My parents answered honestly that I'm currently working to support myself.

    My parents didn't show their bank account, certificate of properties and business because the VO didn't ask for it. Should they show them to VO eventhough he didn't ask to see it?

    Now, we're preparing to apply B2 visa for a second time. Here are my questions:
    1. When do you think they should apply for the visa again?
    2. What can we prepare to show proofs that they will definitely go back to their country? Should we prepare a letter stating reasons why they won't immigrate to US?
    3. They are taking care of my elderly grandfather, 80 years old. Should they bring a picture of him?
    3. Will they have a better chance if they left all my 3 siblings at home to give more reason they will definitely go back?

    My parents definitely don't want to immigrate to the US. really want them to attend my wedding.

    Thanks a bunch for all of your advise!

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  • Mary Thompson // Artist and

  • snathan
    03-28 04:23 PM
    As per my tax preparer's advice, I sent both the tax return and W-7 form to IRS ITIN Operation office in Austin, Texas. Is this the correct address?

    For any reason if your ITIN application is separated from your Tax return, most likely they would deny the ITIN...the reason would be - You reqested the ITIN for tax filing and there is no tax return papers attached.

    I dont have any idea why it happened.


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  • go_guy123
    07-26 02:52 PM
    No idea what to say, yes they have all rights but doesn't this never ends?

    Or Are these cases rare ?

    Some one entered into US legally in 2001, slogged(ing) 8 or more years for 2009..then 5 more years for citizen ship so 2014....with this news it looks like they need to keep up the paper work and employer contacts for 12 years, as well the family need to realize that their stay in US is temporary ???

    Oh my god too much of reality.

    This the very reason why one should file for citizenship after 5 years of GC. GC is yet another type of visa which one can lose. De-naturalization process is harder and more cumbersome.

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  • GCBy3000
    04-15 07:35 PM
    I agree as long as you have filed your 485 and 180 days is passed. But in my case, I have not even crossed the labor stage. It was pending with BEC when my company asked me to move. I tried a lot to convince my attorney thinking that I might miss the boat of 485 if at all it becomes current, but it did not help.

    THe LPR clearly states that it will become void if any of the below changes.

    1. Job description
    2. Location
    3. Something else, I dont remeber.

    The above will not come into effect, if you had crossed 180 days of 485.

    Also my attorney told that USCIS will not be able to find from where I file from 485, but it is risk on my part when I go for naturalization. Also if for some reaosn a RFE is issued, any company will tell the truth and the beneficiary will be in trouble. So it is always better to file a new labor unless the beneficiary is intened to move back to original location during the adjucation process and stays at that location for 6+ months.

    I dont understand how you got away with this one after changing the location. With your example, the locational requirement of LPR does not make sense at all. Anybody can file LPR anywhere and move anywhere as long as 485 takes more than 180 days. One can deliberately file 485 with improper documentst to delay the approval and getaway. Double check with your attorney on this one and playing safe is not bad idea at all with the current USCIS mess and immigration laws.

    AGAIN, I THINK WHEN YOU FILE YOUR 485 you have to be working in the location as stated in your LPR AS PER THE LAW, eventhough USCIS will not be able to find it. Before PERM, there was a column to state the beneficiary will work anywhere in US. But this not available anymore with PERM. The bottom line is the strongest part of LPR, "THE LOCATION", does not make sense at all.

    By making you file for new labor, your attorney has played it too safe. In your case, filing a new labor was not neccesary. Please read below and check with an immigration lawyer for advice. I AM NOT A LAWYER but this advice is based on 2 different lawyers I have talked to regarding my own case where I moved from Phoenix, to Reno after my labor was filed.

    Here is the deal when changing the location while GC is pending:

    1. You can change location during your pending GC. But your job description must not change. Also, you have to move back to the location where your GC was filed, ONLY IF your 485 is processed and approved in less than 180 days from filing (I dont think USCIS will ever be that efficient and process 485 petitions in less than 180 days). That's because your option of AC21 of changing employers and locations (within the same job description, you cant work at a gas station or McDonalds) kicks in after 180 days of filing 485. If your 485 is approved in less than 180 days, then yes, you have to go back to the original location where your Greencard was filed because you dont have the AC21 options of switching employers and locations during your 485 stage ... which is available ONLY AFTER 180 days have passed in the processing of your 485 file.

    So as long as your 485 takes longer than 180 days, you can continue to work at your new location even though you GC and labor was filed at a previous location.

    2. After 180 days of filing 485, you can change employers using your EAD and change locations. No limit. But it has to be the same job description. You cannot start working as a manager if your Greencard was filed for the position of a programmer.


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  • abe1
    01-06 09:18 AM
    I understand that this bill many not pass or even move any forward. I thought two senior senators from both parties showing interest in this topic is a great opportunity for IV to present our case in a different light. We have been clamoring about the difficulties we are facing because of the present delay in green card processing. Unfortunately this is only our problem and no one else really has to be bothered about it. If we present our case in a mutually beneficial point of view perhaps some of the politicians will have little more interest in our situation. Remember JFK�s famous words��Ask not what the country can do for you�.� If we write to Senators Kerry and Lugar now, even if the bill does not pass, they will consider our situation slightly differently next time CIR or another immigration bill is introduced in the congress. I think IV ought to present our case in all different angles possible rather than the one way approach of expecting mercy in our situation. Most importantly, I think the premise of the proposed Kerry/Lugar bill is very much applicable the folks in IV. Aren�t many people in this forum waiting for an opportunity to do some business on their own? That is how new immigrants in America have always been. We shouldn�t be any different. I am sure we cannot bring in the capital that senators are looking for. But why don�t they view us slightly differently?

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  • Ramg
    11-19 06:54 PM
    Is is it ok if you receive just 2 AP papers?
    WHat is the difference between 2/ 3 AP papers?

    Thank you.

    I got only one AP paper. Is it ok to travel to India?


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  • 3D Diamond Ring

  • perm2gc
    08-28 10:34 AM
    Guys i think we had enough discussion on it in the other thread..Admins can you please close the thread..

    Some members are making personal remaks and i hope that admins will take care of them...

    We all here for debating what is wrong and what is right for our cause ..Please dont disgrade yourself

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  • set diamond ring shank.

  • wandmaker
    08-11 06:45 PM
    For example, for my I-140 under EB2-NIW, NSC processing date shows February 27, 2007; and I filed in April 2007. But, I got approved. (no complaints). Technically, they shouldn't have picked up mine.

    You are lucky to have your 140 approved :) There are many people that I know, whos files are still waiting to be dusted.

    See, quasi-citizens i.e., people applying for Naturalization have better luck because their local congressman will be making calls and putting fire under USCIS ass because these are potential voters in November. So, they have some leverage. But people who are waiting for green card are no good now... wait for 5 years after you get it, you may have luck in getting their attention.

    Focus your energy on IV activites (state chapter, campaign and etc), spend time with the family, and live your day to day life. We will get there soon enough with everyones' support ($$$$)


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  • simplistik
    06-06 03:33 PM
    LoL... lots of good entries. Looks like all the ones I chose were popular ones anyway... aside from one of em. The Guidlines one and the Family Guy monkey are my favorites cause they make me laugh.

    That particular episode of Family Guy was on last night :P :D

    tattoo Mary Thompson // Artist and diamond ring drawing. Silver Diamond Ring
  • Silver Diamond Ring

  • alterego
    04-11 04:59 PM
    I would definitely be cautious about the plan you have mentioned. Here is the reason. You applied as an attending/practicing hospitalist through labor for a future job offer and you are moving into a trainee position. Should you be called for an interview or get a RFE at the AOS stage(not that uncommon nowadays), you would have to demonstrate how it is that doing an oncology fellowship better qualifies you to be a future hospitalist. That would be difficult. You could take a chance and get away but know that you will be taking one.
    Even in cases of Physician NIW when you have completed the stipulated 5 yr commitment, lawyers are unwilling to give the all clear to do a fellowship on the EAD. They seem to be in consensus that you can move into another attending internist job but that is as far as they will go.


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  • gova123
    08-02 05:16 PM
    I am from Tampa, I am interested in the rally, and I know for sure that one of my friend would also commit if we can work this out. let me know

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  • ishreeram
    07-20 06:40 PM
    My PD is June 04 and the online status for my LC shows CERTIFIED since last week. Attorneys say they need DOL to send them the approved LC ... some document, which would be needed to file I-140 and I-485. Any idea how much time it takes for DOL to send the above said document back to the applicant or representative?


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  • very preliminary drawings.

  • mirage
    06-11 11:55 AM
    You look very angry. Take a shower. Do you think Core team is there to answer every question that is asked here ? Did you hire them as a full time employee ? How did you reach the conclusion that they are working for their benifit ? Look in to the mirror, ask yourself a question what you have done until now to help yourself to bail out of the mess you are in, I mean what efforts have you made to meet the senators and congressmen of your area, how many people you have influenced to join IV, how much you have contributed to help IV stay afloat. Only if you have satifactory answers to these questions, come back and ask questions.

    I asked IV core on what version of immigration bill they support because I and other people wanted to know since there are so many ....

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  • tabletpc
    09-27 09:27 AM
    yesterday in Lou Dobbs i heard that an illigal immigrant who was arrested at the border of mexico stole the border patrol vehicle and drove back to mexico in that vehicle. Later helicofters were sued to recover the vehicle. LOL...!!!!

    I watch his program every day as i reach home at the start of this program. I watch anxiously hoping they might mention somewhere for atleast for 10 sec about legal immigrant...but they never...!!!Jsu tjsut keep mentioning about illigal immigrants whole hour of the show.

    Sometimes i feel its high time to reconisder the US dream...!!!!

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  • smartboy75
    07-09 11:00 AM

    07/09/2008: USCIS Biometric Changes For Re-Entry Permits and Refugee Travel Documents 07/08/2008

    USCIS has issued revised instructions for USCIS Form I-131, Application for Travel Document. The instructions include changes effective March 5, 2008 that require applicants for re-entry permits and refugee travel documents to provide biometrics (e.g., fingerprints and photographs) at a USCIS Application Support Center (ASC) for background and security checks and to meet requirements for secure travel and entry documents containing biometric identifiers.
    Q. May an I-131 applicant for a re-entry permit or refugee travel document complete biometrics outside of the United States?
    A. Form I-131 instructions provide guidance for certain persons who are abroad at the time of filing to visit a U.S. Embassy or consulate for fingerprinting, although all applicants are urged to file before leaving the United States. Since certain overseas offices have the discretion to accept and adjudicate applications for refugee travel documents, although it is not mandatory that they do so, an applicant for a refugee travel document may complete biometrics outside of the United States, but is encouraged to wait to travel until his or her biometrics have been collected and the document delivered. As discussed earlier, certain overseas USCIS offices may, in their discretion, adjudicate Form I-131 filed for a refugee travel document (but not re-entry permits), where the applicant has failed to apply while in the U.S. (see 8 C.F.R. � 223.2(b)(2)(ii)). However, applicants for refugee travel documents should not count on the overseas offices necessarily agreeing to adjudicate Form I-131 in all cases, particularly where it is evident that the individual could have applied while in the U.S. and attended his or her biometrics appointment. Applicants for reentry permits should attend their biometric appointment at the designated ASC. If the applicant departs the United States before the biometrics are collected, the application may be denied.
    Q. Will Form I-131 re-entry permit or refugee travel document be denied if the applicant leaves the U.S. after the application has been filed and receipted but before biometrics are completed?
    A. Form I-131 form instructions state, �Departure from the United States before a decision is made on an application for a Re-entry Permit usually does not affect the application. However, where biometric collection is required and the applicant departs the United States before the biometrics are collected, the application may be denied.� Travel is not advisable. If an applicant leaves and comes back, his or her application may be denied while abroad, and he or she may not be able to get back into the country. Even though an overseas USCIS office may, in its discretion, take the biometrics of an applicant for a refugee travel document, there is no guarantee that the office will necessarily exercise its discretion to do so. Therefore, USCIS again urges all I-131 applicants for whom biometrics will be required to file their applications well in advance of their scheduled departure dates. USCIS suggests applicants apply for a travel document at least 60 days prior to the date of travel.

    So if we efile EAD and then 2 months down the line efile AP, do we have to go twice for biometrics ???

    10-14 04:17 PM
    You will get your new AP by end of Dec - so you should be fine!
    Hi all,

    I have to go to India on 1st jan , 2009 for 2 weeks , for my brother's marriage on jan 14,2009, but my existing advance parole expires on jan 12 2009.

    I have filed for the renewal of advance parole but I want to know as to what other option do I have , if I dont get my renewal advance parole by jan 1st ?

    If my AP expires on jan 12th and I come back on jan 16th and tell the customs agents that i have applied for a renewal and just didnt get it before I left, is that acceptable?

    Thanks for your help in advance!

    11-06 05:45 PM
    This is exactly the piece-meal approach/bill that several people wanted to support.

    But i think IV core is backing CIR.

    My 2 cents - CIR ain't happening this year (its almost mid-nov now and health care hasn't even been debated on the floor yer). Even enxt year is a long shot.

    Need to back this bill.

    Do not misrepresent IV's position.

    IV supports every bill that can get relief to our community. However if the sponsor of the bill is not going to take the bill further or the leadership is not going to take it up, there is no chance for the bill at this time. Some bills are simply placeholder bills or introduced to state a lawmaker's position on an issue. At this time the political situation is favoring CIR and nothing else. However much you try and ask them to try piecemeal approach, the inclination is to pursue CIR. This situation can change with time and piecemeal approach may be pursued if CIR fails. Please continue to watch the political analysis and news to know how everything is moving or being influenced by other issues like healthcare.

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